Wallpaper application tips!

Are you are artistic and do not like painting your house every now and then, think of wall paper. You can now find modern eclectic designs of wall paper which can bring out the style and mood you want for the room.

There are new designs of wall paper which bring out effects on your wall that would not be realized by using paint. Wallpaper not only adds colour to your room it also adds detail and can be used to solve decorating dilemmas. The beauty about wallpaper is that it can be used to manipulate space and can be applied on surfaces other than walls. Learn some few tips in wall paper application.

·         One basic tip in decorating your room is to build your décor around the wall paper. Chose the wallpaper you like and borrow the colour from the rest of the room.

·         When putting wallpaper in two different rooms, make sure the wallpapers flow. A tip is to use borders to coordinate the adjoining rooms.

·         You can use wallpaper to give visual importance to your mirror or window, when personalizing your lamp shades, pots…the list is endless.

·         You don’t have to use wood to create panels you can use wallpaper and contrasting borders to create the most decorative panels and add architectural detail to your flat wall.

·         Wallpaper can liven up your room and create an effect that you desire for your room.

·         You can raise or lower your ceiling by using different colour and effects of wallpaper.


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